This Week in Television April 22 – April 28

*All gifs are from Tumblr*


So, I am doing things a little differently from now on. I am only going to post one blog post a week on the shows from that week. Okay, so now that it is out of the way, let us talk about Supergirl and Riverdale!

On Supergirl this week, my favorite storylines were Sam and Lena and J’onn and M’yrnn. First and foremost, the acting was superb! Everyone blew me away this week! I liked Lena a lot in this episode. This is how I want Lena to be all of the time, because she shined so much in this episode, since she was in her element! I do not know if I want to see Lena turn evil, because I love Lena and Kara’s friendship, but Katie would do such a great job at that! *Ever-so conflicted! Urgh*


And Sam, oh, her entire storyline in this episode broke my heart. When she saw proof that she is Reign, I was blown away. She needs to be saved so she can come back next season! She never wanted to be a villain, she thought she was meant to be a superhero. She is too great of a character to kill off at the end of the season! REDEMPTION! REDEMPTION! GIVE SAM REDEMPTION! *AgentReign, or ReignCorp, will suffice me*


I am so excited for Pestilence! And this time, it is personal! Next week looks great! I am excited to see the Legion back, especially because them and team Supergirl share a common enemy. Imra is finally going to have a chance to shine, so we will finally know more about her character! From the promo, it makes me excited to see what she has to say about the Blight.


Besides the Pestilence dead bird scene at the end, Karamel were flying side-by-side for the first time and it was so aesthetically pleasing. Kara yelling at him due to the psychic disturbance needed to happen so their relationship can be re-born on a clean state once Imra decides to divorce Mon-El. Imra deserves to be happy with a man that loves her and is his first choice. Mon-El is not that guy, and we continue to see that, especially seeing him and Kara being heroes. 


Now onto Riverdale! You have failed this city Sheriff Keller! I am glad people have noticed that Sheriff Keller is really bad at his job. And I am glad that Cheryl was one of the characters that did! She is becoming a great character on this show and it makes me so excited. She has her Toni, but she still has qualities that made her likable before, only now she is in a better place. I did not like, though, Penelope and Claudius’s faces. Side note, I just remembered his name. I was like, who is that guy, for way too long! They are up to no good. LEAVE CHERYL ALONE! 


Veronica roofied Nick, music to my ears! I love seeing Veronica like this. She needs to go rogue more often, since some of the mob boss has rubbed off on her. I would love to see Veronica be fiercely loyal to her friends and go grey against anyone that dares to threaten her friends. Nick deserved what he had coming to him in this episode. I may not always like Archie, but what was Nick thinking would happen when he paid people to beat up Archie! No one cares about you, you are a very minor character on this show, lets be honest. 


Last, but not least, the Falice content! I loved FP comforting Alice! They shared a son that he only just found out about, but he still comforted her. The Chic that is in town is not the real Chic, who supposedly “OD’d on Jingle Jangle,” but fake Chic will probably be back soon, since the Black Hood never takes suggestions. At least now, Bughead do not know that they ever shared a sibling! *But I still ship Falice more, sorry not sorry* As long as Falice can get together, I will be happy! Sadly, that will not happen until Hal is revealed to be the Black Hood and Alice dumps him again in her shady glory! 


Well, that is it for this week! Come back next week for more! 



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