“Riverdale” Season 2 Episode 18 – “Chapter 31: A Night to Remember”


The Black Hood is finally back and the stakes have been somewhat raised! And on top of that, we are putting on a musical. Carrie: The Musical, how fitting. 

I am so happy the Black Hood came back in a big way. Killing Midge on stage in such a flashy way was a great re-entrance. I wish the Black Hood saga was not dropped so badly the first time. If more characters get killed off, I will be happy. Blood needs to be spilled already, I am done with all of the horror movie titles and no horror. Of course this episode has no horror movie title, but that phrase has been said in horror movies. 

“There is nothing more amateur than age-inappropriate casting,” said with the straightest face! Hahahaha, now that is funny. I did a double take when I heard that! Anything that gets Alice more involved makes me happy. Side note, I love Kevin and Fangs so much, make it happen writers. They had the funniest moments in this episode! The gif below is one of my favorite moments in the episode! When I watched it happen, I laughed so hard! 

Why are Hal and Alice getting back together? I do not want that to happen! I do not like Hal, I am convinced he is the Black Hood. Get away from her and let FP and Alice happen in peace. The worst part is that FP ended up coming to the musical, just to see her perform! We all know he did not come to see Jughead film it. FP could have been there to console Alice after she saw Midge’s dead body. 

Jughead must have footage of the Black Hood on his video camera. He was recording a documentary on the musical, so he probably shot it without knowing it. Hal was there, Sheriff Keller was hanging around backstage for no reason, Chic showed up all of a sudden, and Ethel still is not back in my good graces. Any of these people could be the real Black Hood! I want it to be Hal, but it could be anyone. 

Veronica and Betty. Josie and Cheryl. Archie and Fred. They are all back to normal, thank goodness. I did not like the way Betty was treating Veronica. You do not have any moral high ground, Betty. You helped cover up a murder and you are the reason your family was threatened. Betty only redeemed herself with that heartfelt moment with Alice. That touched me. Josie was reasonably upset with Cheryl, but they are over it now, so that is good. Archie finally got out from under Hiram and made up with his dad. I was starting to think Archie would forever be #NoLoyaltyArchie. I am happy they have reconciled, they have the strongest parent-child relationship. 

Cheryl and Toni were perfection this week, as always. I love them and want them to be forever happy. That final Cheryl scene, oh my gosh! It was amazing! Her matricidal revenge fantasy turned real moment. Seeing her drenched in pigs blood and demanding her mother and uncle leave her and Nana Rose alone was epic. This dynamic, Cheryl being in control, was something I liked in the beginning of the season, so I am happy that it is back. Cheryl should never be messed with. More of this! Cheryl needs to stand up to her mother and never take what is said to her again! You is a strong powerful women! 

Lastly, the music was great! I love me some musical episodes and this did not disappoint. Everyone has such good voices, but not as good dance moves. The only person who I think did well dancing was Veronica. She slayed that performance. Side note, do I sense a future Chuck and Veronica romance. I am okay with it! I loved Cheryl’s short loved reign as Carrie. Betty has a really great voice, I had no idea! The last time she sang, I like to forget the scene it happened in, so it was a nice surprise in this episode! Well, that is it for this week. Come back next week for the next episode, and hopefully more bloodshed will pour down!



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