“American Vandal” Season 1 Episode 6 – “Gag Order”

*Explicit language is used and screencaps are from online*


This episode starts off seven weeks after the vandalism, during a senior assembly on cyberbullying, a whole bunch of students stoop up and claimed they “drew the d***s” in protest for Dylan’s innocence. The stunt leads to the administration banning Peter and Sam from doing anything related to the American Vandal documentary on school property, despite the fact that they are not seniors, so they were not at the assembly. As far as the school was concerned, it was there fault.

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Now that they can only film the documentary off campus, they continue their work at Peter’s house. Peter and Sam look at each of the 27 p*****s drawn on the 27 cars to see which one has something that resembles a splatter, similar to the one Brandon caused when using the same spray paint canister at Nana’s party.

The vehicles that resembled any sort of splatter were Vice Principal Keene’s, physics teacher Mr. Maeda’s and PE teacher and Head Football Coach Rafferty.

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Before confronting each of the three respective targets, Peter realizes that every teacher complaint made by a student is public record, but Hanover High School has failed to update their records since 2012, which is illegal. Peter decides to have his camera phone pointed out while talking to the targets, because everyone does it. No one will notice. Yeah, I am sure they will not notice.

First they confront Coach Rafferty. He immediately notices Peter filming with his camera, but Peter and Sam continue to deny the phone is being used. Coach Rafferty does not care if they film. Well, that was easy. They ask him if any student had a reason to target him. But he was the Hanover High School Teacher of the Year. Everyone loves him, why would he be a target?

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Kraz is happy that someone might have targeted him, as it would be the perfect ending. Kraz is the only teacher that wanted to talk to them about the splatter. Why? Because he has nothing to lose. It is revealed that Kraz is now no longer a teacher at Hanover High.

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Peter feels bad for the documentary being the reason Kraz lost his job. Kraz needs a new job, but he does not want to be a history teacher again, though. He is now an open book about all the teachers. He said Coach Rafferty drugged people and paid to have s*x. He said Ms. Shapiro was similar to a character on Game of Thrones that does not have a d**k.

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They are now investigating Mr. Maeda, who takes away student’s electronics and is known for being tough. In this interview, they are also looking for evidence. Kraz says he is creepy and is a j**k of a teacher. He also thinks it should be illegal to talk away someone’s device for an entire semester. Sam sees Sarah Pearson’s iPad is in Mr. Maeda’s stash. She is one of the popular fan theories, but she was in San Diego during the incident. And looking through her iPad, there was nothing on there suggesting she was the vandal. However, Sam takes a screenshot of Sarah’s texts with Paige Davidson confirming Alex Trimboli was lying about their hookup.

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The conversation proved Alex was not on her “hookup list” and that Sarah instead hooked up with Brandon at camp. That is why she was acting defensive about it, she had to keep her alibi up, since Brandon is in a relationship with Gabi. When Gabi, Sam’s crush, sees this, she becomes offended by Sam who seems to be making fun of her in spite. She leaves them there. This confirms that Alex has lied about a lot of things. Since he is the school board’s key witness, and many not have seen Dylan perform the incident, his testimony is the only thing they have.

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Lastly, they confront Keene and mention the non-updated records. Keene becomes upset, sees Peter is secretly filming him and suspends Sam and Peter for 3 days.

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If they ever film on school property again, they will be expelled, just like Dylan. Cold.

Peter does not think they were suspended for distracting students. They were, but they were getting too close to what was really going on at the school. The teachers were fine with the documentary until they were getting more information, so they were getting somewhere. They already had limited access, now it is even worse.

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Sam is grounded, but Peter continues the documentary by following Dylan, but he would rather be in school continuing the investigation, than being with Dylan. His court hearing is coming up on June 22. Dylan will be tried as an adult for felony vandalism. He is watching Judge Judy to prepare himself because he is nervous, since he knows how badly he came off at the school hearing.

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He was walking into an execution, since the school board was convinced he did it.

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While Peter is filming, Dylan gets frustrated that Peter is not doing anything to appeal his suspension.

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Now motivated to get his own justice, Peter goes to the local news station to promote the American Vandal shut down even more. After a bunch of online petitions, and Peter’s mom losing it on Vice Principal Keene, Sam and Peter were given their permission back to shoot American Vandal on campus with full access.

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But most importantly, after Peter’s story made it to the news he was given an anonymous voicemail leading him to a flashdrive on his desk in the TV studio. The drive had photos of Coach Rafferty’s office completely destroyed five days before the vandalism, with “stick your d**k somewhere else” written on his whiteboard.

Come back next as things are heating up!



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